It gives me an immense pleasure to welcome you to this prestigious institution of Teacher Education at the commencement of the new academic session. With immaculate academic ambience, pronounced emphasis on quality and dynamic teaching learning process, the college is striving to produce skilled and effective teachers for the society. The teachers are the backbone of any country, the pillars upon which all aspirations of the country are converted into realities. The teacher community is indeed the creator of enlightened citizens.      

According to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, “Teachers should be the best minds in the country.” Keeping this in view, we envisage to make this temple of learning a place to promote creativity, innovations and learning environment with right mix of tradition and technology which helps training our students to adapt to the needs of the time without sacrificing the time tested ideals and values.          

The colleges attaches paramount importance to enhance performance and attain sustainable growth by laying emphasis on quality education practices, the pedagogical techniques, creation of intellectual capital and delivering superior educational values with passion, dedication and honesty of purpose for universal acceptance of our pupil teachers.           I congratulate all the students who have chosen to shape their future in this seat of learning and wish them every success in their venture. My best wishes and good luck for the upcoming session.

Mrs. Aradhana Bowry
Executive Director (Colleges)

Dear Students,

I warmly welcome you to the portals of Innocent Hearts College of Education, Jalandhar. The college has been pioneering the noble task of Education since its inception in 2007. Let us reflect upon the role of education in the present world scenario. Education today is not confined to the four walls of the classrooms, but has expanded to train men and women with integrated personalities, as ideal persons and enlightened citizens. Not only the good results, but also preparing the students to excel in each and every sphere of life is the aim of education. Future of nation depends upon the students produced by the educational institutions. Present world set up is going to recognize only those who will do something extra and unique for this universe. All this has increased the responsibilities of the parents and educational institutions and has put much more onus on the students ‘the future of the nation.’ Infact education today is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. Innocent Hearts College is indeed a place where a community of education seekers come together to share knowledge in their quest to unfold their own potential and become more whole. We see our mission as “education for Life” and we believe that we assist students to progressively accept more responsibility for self discipline, to develop self respect, to contribute to the community, to develop a love of learning and to strive for excellence. I welcome all of you to this well conceived teacher education institution. I am confident that each one of you will get immense benefits through dedicated efforts of group of adequately qualified and experienced teacher-educators supported by efficient non-teaching staff.

Dr. Arjinder Singh
Innocent Hearts College of Education