Anti-Ragging Committee and Squad

 Innocent Hearts College of Education has Zero-Tolerance Policy” with reference to bullying.

In order to cause psychological harm and/or instill fear or apprehension in new or junior student, ragging is defined as “any disorderly or rude behavior; asking the students to do any act which has the effect of causing or generating shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect their physique or psyche.” 

If someone is found guilty of ragging or aiding and abetting ragging, the Institution will take severe measures against them, which may include criminal proceedings and/or the cancellation of admission. Depending on the situation, the onus of proof may also be on the alleged ragging perpetrator rather than the victim.

Download Anti Ragging Form of College

Anti-Ragging Offical Website


In accordance with Order DO. No. F. 91- 3/2014 (GS) Pt. 1 of the UGC, dated 28/01/2015, and the UGC (Prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015, the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) was established.It was established to address the problem of gender-based violence and to carry out programmes aimed at raising awareness of gender issues.


Team Member 

Team Member 

Team Member 

Team Member 

Team Member 

Mr.Rahul Jain

Dr.Gagandeep Kaur

Ms.Punit Kumari

Mr.Mithilesh Pandey

Mr.Gagandeep Humpal

Ms.Nidhi Sharma

Upon getting a complaint:

ICC will carry out preliminary examine the claims for accuracy by gathering the documentary
Document declarations from any potential witnesses, such as the send the principal the preliminary inquiry report and all of the original
If the complaints do not pertain to sexual harassment, the ICC may forward them to the Grievance Redressal.The grievance shall remain unaltered.
Within a month of the ICC’s date of request, the investigation must be finished. It must follow the timeliness protocol outlined in the Sexual Harassment Act and the previously mentioned UGC Regulations 2015.If the ICC determines that the complaint was filed or that the accusations were malicious or false

Who can file a complaint with ICC?

Any female employee (student, faculty or non-teaching staff)

Definition of Sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexually inclined behavior, whether directly or indirectly, such as:

  • Physical contact and advances
  • Demand or request for sexual favors
  • Sexually colored remarks
  • Showing pornography
  • Any other unwelcome physical movements, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual

Actions that can be taken:

If found guilty, the Committee can initiate against the accused actions such as the following, as per the seriousness of the offense:

  • Warning
  • Written apology
  • Affidavit of good behavior
  • Adverse remark in the Conduct Certificate
  • Recommend the higher authorities to take action
  • Suspension
  • Dismissal
  • Any other relevant actions

Women's Empowerment Committee Details


Team Member

Team Member

Team member

Team Member

Team Member

Team Member

Mrs.Shally Bowry

Ms.Ruchi Jain


Ms.Anuradha Sharma

Ms.Taranjot Kaur

Ms.Nidhi Sharma

Ms.Amandeep kaur